Shanklin United Reformed Church

High Street, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. PO37 6LA
Registered Charity No. 1130459

A member of the Evangelical Alliance

For details of URC churches on the Island visit


SURC Events
Sermons on-line
Minister's Message
Church Magazine
Other Activities
Youth Activities
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Churches Together
Rylstone Concerts
How 2 Find Us

The Link

The magazine of Shanklin United Reformed Church

Read 'The Link' online!!

By clicking on one of the images below, you can read an issue of The Link in full colour without the need for a paper version (which is never in full colour!!).

You will need Adobe Reader to read The Link

(a version can be downloaded from here


The Last Twelve Issues

August 2024

Featuring l'église Notre Dame, Ménil-Hermei, Normandie
on the cover



July 2024

Featuring Swanage Railway Station, Dorset on the cover


June 2024

Featuring a cow in a field in Breél, Normandie on the cover


May 2024

Featuring Corfe Castle, Dorset on the cover


April 2024

Featuring Chapelle Notre Dame de Grace, Honfleur, Normandie
on the cover


March 2024

Featuring  Shanklin coast
on the cover (taken from Chine Avenue)


February 2024

Featuring La Place Guillaume le Conquérant, Falaise, Normandie on the cover


December 2023/January 2024

Featuring our
festive cover


November 2023

With the Memorial from the Commonwealth War Cemetery, Bayeux, Normandie
on the cover


October 2023

Featuring La Plage du Butin, Honfleur, Normandie
on the cover


September 2023

Featuring Rylstone Gardens, Shanklin
on the cover

August 2023

La Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux - and a Renault Twingo on the cover



Page Last Updated 25 July 2024

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